Tuesday, 20 September 2011

What is a Director?

Task title: 'The Movement Performance'.

Date of task: 20th September, 2011.

Aim of task: To create a play with a skeleton movement text.

Description of task:

  • We are spited into groups of five, I am with Undine, Tara, Oda, and Prodhi, two of us, Undine and I, as directors, and the rest as A (Prodhi),B (Oda), and C (Tara).
  • This is our instruction:

  • We decided to make it in a story about drug dealing, A wants to but drug from C and B is her friend, trying to stop her.


  • I realized how many possibility in a simple skeleton frame of a play! I enjoy being a co-operative director, we discussed with the actors and we did a good job.


  • Creativity is very important for a director, and a director can have a god-like image (everything is following his order) or can also be co-operating (listening to others' opinions and ideas).

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