Thursday, 29 March 2012

Sanford Meisner's acting technique

From Stanislavski, we moved along the timeline of his system's development and we came to Meisner, who was an American actor and acting teacher, a friend of Stanislavski, who developed a form of Method acting that is known as Meisner's technique.
The goal of the Meisner technique has often been described as getting actors to "live truthfully under imaginary circumstances." The technique emphasizes that in order to carry out an action truthfully on stage, it is necessary to let emotion and subtext build based on the truth of the action and on the other characters around them, rather than simply playing the action or playing the emotion.

Repetition exercise

This is one of the best known exercises of the Meisner technique, basically this exercise is that one person spontaneously makes a comment based on his or her partner, and the comment is repeated back and forth between the two actors in the same manner, until it changes on its own. The object is always to react truthfully, allowing the repetition to change naturally rather than by manipulation. It is a nightmare when we did that for the first time, as it is very, very annoying, but eventually, it will become more comfortable and I can stay true to my own reflex, not an emotion that I want to fake.

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